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What do next-generation delivery services available to content delivery network (CDN) providers share in common?

为了更好地理解选项, a CDN representative would need to discuss key features with representatives from leading video server platform vendors, 然后交换意见, 运行试点项目, and then launch the feature to the CDN's customers. Or they could've just attended the Applications Trends panel at the 2011欧洲内容交付峰会, held at Hilton London Olympia  earlier this week.

Adobe代表, Codeshop, Flumotion, 真正的, and Wowza explored commonalities and additional requests from CDN service providers seeking to push the envelope of video delivery services.

"For those wanting to sell technology into the CDN space,峰会联合主席Dom Robinson说, "we feel that the Infrastructure Trends and Applications Trends panels-held back-to-back at the Content Delivery Summit- provided direction in how technology providers are being driven."

While pilot programs and controlled launches are key to verifying a potential service's functional feasibility, Robinson says that the session's intent was to drive insight into underused features already in streaming servers as well as those coming in the near future.

“为了了解接下来会发生什么, looking at technologies and services ranging from routers and hosting facilities, 网络和云,罗宾逊说, "we wanted to find a way to allow representatives from competing platforms to explore commonality and cohesion, 而不是简单地玩边缘政策."

This writer moderated the panel, and asked three basic questions. The first centered on trends that panel representatives see in applications for mobile and handset devices, while the others looked at features that CDNs might be requesting.

"We see the key question as 'what does the end user want to experience?的大卫·马林森说 真正的网络s. “一旦开发者知道了终端用户的需求, then a decision is made about the use of the device's core functionality versus using something like a Flash Player plug-in or AIR runtime bundling."

应用趋势正在增长, 不仅仅是在移动设备上, but also as strong software-as-a-service (SaaS) models such as those represented by Flumotion, which started as an open-source CDN play but has now shifted to a online video platform (OVP) approach.

“我们正在OVP内部处理应用程序,Flumotion的销售总监奥利弗Quero说, 创建一个平台, which allow developers to use our SDKs and standard REST APIs to allow their customized user experiences to work consistently across the applications that access the platform."

阿尔金·瓦格纳博士,首席技术官 代码商店, 看到了浏览器向sdk的转变, 包括定时文本, 字幕, and other features that a traditional video streaming server may not support. Adobe的技术传道者史蒂夫埃利森, 然而, said that applications still hold interest with developers.

"We continue to see more interest in apps than browser-based delivery,艾利森说, 并补充说,这一趋势发挥了力量 Adobe的 Flash的方法. He expects to see a more intelligent Flash Player in the near future.

"From Adobe的 standpoint we're trying to identify what a particular device needs based on which version of Flash Player is being used,马林森说. "When we query the Flash Player we want to know if it is a television Flash Player or a mobile phone Flash Player, 发送适当的内容. We're also trying to make the Flash Player run-time more intelligent, drawing on OSMF to model what a particular device needs-understanding what kind of tin the device is-which then lets us choose between hardware and software decoding."

Wowza的 CTO 查理很好 offered a slightly different approach.

"We're trying to take the Flash experience and normalize it across all the devices and operating systems,古德说. "We want a consistent user experience regardless of whether the device supports Flash Player or HTML5."

After acknowledging that his company needs to support origin caching in its server product, 古德说,这项功能应该很快就会推出.

“我们不是缓存的发源地, 但你很快就会从我们这里看到,古德说, ,很可能是一个插件. It's not about price gouging if it's done as a plug-in, but rather as a way of packaging niche requirements."

真正的's Mallinson says they also get requests for pushing core services to the edge.

"We get asked about the ability to push caches to the edges,马林森说, "and doing rewrappering at the edge with minimal computing power as power consumption in data centers becomes a key cost factor."

To view the infrastructure trends and application trends sessions, scroll down:

Application Trends: Providing Platforms for CDNs' Next Gen Services

主持人:蒂姆·西格林Braintrust Digital董事长
查理很好Wowza Media Systems, Inc .首席技术官
大卫Mallinson, 真正的Networks高级技术培训师
史蒂夫埃利森, Senior Technical Evangelist, Strategic Alliances (EMEA), Adobe

We hear from vendors of the core platforms and review and preview their latest innovations in the application layer. After the success of last year’s panel we aim to repeat this unusual and important opportunity for all the vendors to engage with the CDN space together.

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